Mystique wild yam powder 50 g


Traditional Use and Health Benefits

Used for centuries by the Native Americans to treat a variety of ailments, Wild Yam has a relaxing effect. As some of the old names (Colic Root, Rheumatism Root) suggest, this herb was highly regarded in providing relief from colic (especially in babies), and lessening the pain of rheumatism. It has a persevering history in Japanese medicine where it was used as a treatment for infertility and for the pain of child birth.

Wild Yam Benefits


Wild Yam root is perhaps most famous for its ability to support women in the health of their reproductive systems. With powerful antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties, Wild Yam is often prescribed by herbalists to relieve menstrual cramps and chronic pelvic pain. Helping the uterus to work more efficiently during menses, this uterine support allows for proper function of the uterus whilst working to prevent cramping and spasms.

Digestive Health

Whilst rigorous scientific testing is scant, some herbalists believe that Wild Yam boosts digestion by improving the function of the gall bladder and the liver. These two organs are vital in the digestive process by encouraging the production of bile and breaking down food. Historically it was used to ease the passage of small gallstones.


The aforementioned steroidal glycoside, “diosgenin” has been found in scientific studies to have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. This validates the traditional use of Wild Yam as an aid to reduce the painful inflammation in the joints brought on by rheumatoid arthritis.

Wild Yam Root has a history of providing relief in women for:

  • Hot Flashes
  • Insomnia
  • Cramps
  • Migraines
  • Vaginal Dryness


Wild Yam Root contains copious amounts of phytoestrogens (mentioned above as diosgenin) which break down in your body as estrogen. Much like the Black Cohosh , Wild Yam Root encourages the overall health of the female body.

Wild Yam is one of the leading ingredients in most breast enhancement supplements/creams since it promotes healthy breast tissue. According to experts Wild Yam does not raise your estrogen levels.

Wild Yam Root makes breasts larger by using the natural progesterone its famous for to balance female hormones and assist in the natural development of breast growth.

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