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Hemp Protein

  • Easily digestible
  • A great source of fiber
  • Contains healthy fats

Raw Hemp seeds 500 g

hemp seed

Hemp seeds,, are a highly nutritious food. They’re over 30% fat and are rich in two essential fatty acids: alpha-linolenic acid (omega-3) and linoleic acid (omega-6).

Mystique Hemp Seed Oil for Skin 100 ml

Hemp Oil

Unfiltered Hemp Seed Oil for skin

Hemp seeds are a nutritious plant-based protein source that may provide health benefits, including supporting digestion and heart health.

Hemp Seeds Are Incredibly Nutritious
Hemp Seeds and Oil May Benefit Skin Disorders
Hemp Seeds May Reduce Your Risk of Heart Disease
Hemp Seeds Are a Great Source of Plant-Based Protein
Hemp Seeds May Reduce Symptoms of PMS and Menopause
Hemp seeds are the seeds of the hemp plant, Cannabis sativa.
Hemp seeds are exceptionally nutritious and rich in healthy fats, protein and various minerals.